Technology For Development
GLONETA (Global Network For Technological Advancement) is a community based Non-Governmental Organization based in Tiko, South West Region, Cameroon. It is a non-profit, philanthropic, and non-political organization. It commits itself to the development of a caring and sustaining society for children and young people.
Linux Friends visited the premise of GLONETA some years back to see the possibilities of these institutions partnering. On Thursday 19-08-2021, a team of four people from GLONETA visited the Association of Linux Friends with the aim of familiarizing with the environment and further partnership.
There were discussions and the conclusion reached was for the two teams to write proposals on the term of the partnership intended and exchanged their proposals through email at a set date. It should be noted that this partnership will begin October, this coming academic year.
Another meeting will be scheduled to concretize the final points adopted for the partnership.